Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fighting Walrus Radio turns your iPad or iPhone into a UAV controller (video)

Fighting Walrus Radio turns your iPad or iPhone into a UAV controller video

So, here's a situation: you'd love to your iPhone or iPad to control your UAV collection, and you're pretty obsessed with collecting as many of these UAVs as possible. Aside from undoubtedly landing yourself on an FBI watch list, you'll probably also be interested in helping the folks at Fighting Walrus Radio turn their dreams into reality. In a nutshell, the project seeks to fund an iOS hardware peripheral that operates with both Lightning and Dock Connector-equipped products -- turning 'em into "a mobile ground station for your personal unmanned aerial vehicle." It's built to report your UAV's critical flight systems and log flight data within a one mile range, and it's compatible with all MAVLink drones as well as the Parrot AR.Drone. Also, it's called the Fighting Walrus Radio. For those that need a bit more convincing, there's a demo video just after the break, while to-be customers can hit up the read link.

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Source: Indiegogo

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/03/18/fighting-walrus-radio-ipad-iphone-uav-controller-video/

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